An Extract of the Reconcile of Self

Rajdeep Singh
Apr 6, 2021

Reconcile with your heart and mind then allow your soul to penetrate through the veil of all illusions.
Mwanandeke Kindembo

How does one reconcile their own headspace ;
Those internal dialogues we have with ourselves;
Those intrusive thoughts;
The personal trials and tribulations;
The unknown and the uncertainty;
The secrets we keep to ourselves.
With our army on the outside.

The army that surrounds us, supports us and keeps us alive;
Those that ask how we are doing;
Check in with us;
Want to keep us occupied so as not to let the intrusive and dark thoughts ruminate our minds;
& just want to genuinely reach out and give their support and love in the ways they know and can.

It is a paradox of the heart, the mind and the soul.

