An Extract of Collapse

Rajdeep Singh
Mar 29, 2021

What do you do when you feel your your sense of self — the one person you are — slowly being taken away from you. |
Collapsing. Crumbling. Corroding.
Breaking away right in front of your eyes.

For some people, at some point in there life, they experience an event that causes so much pain.
A force, so toxic, that slowly chips away at the good things in life;
The foundation and all things that make life, the experience that is life.
The one you’ve spent so long carefully creating and meticulously mending.
When you see it slowly being taken away from you — it’s paralytic.

It is the darkest of our human condition, one that so many go through;
Yet we are so powerless to stop it.
We really are nothing but pawns in the game that is life.

